15 March 2024

Dear Patient of Bawrunga Medical Service,

I am sending this letter to all patients accessing services at Gilgandra and Gulargambone, because it has come to my attention that patients attending Bawrunga Medical Service Gilgandra and Gulargambone have been verbally abusive and hostile towards Doctors and other members of staff who felt threatened by their behaviour. 

The practice has a duty of care to ensure that the safety of patients and staff in the practice is maintained. Therefore, we will not tolerate any threatening behaviour including the  following behaviours –

  •  offensive language, verbal abuse, swearing

  • unwanted or abusive remarks of a sexual nature

  • racist, sexist, homophobic or other discriminatory remarks

  • offensive gestures

  • threats whether verbal or physical

  • bullying or intimidating behaviour

  • attempted assaults where contact is not made including spitting

  • brandishing weapons or objects which could be used to inflict harm

  • throwing a weapon or object and missing

  • stalking or other forms of harassment.

This type of conduct is unacceptable if your wish to continue as a patient of Bawrunga medical Service it is expected that you do not behave in a manner which has been described above. I would also like to point out that there has been a lot of time and effort put into recruiting doctors for the Practice. Unfortunately to continue offering services to the community the Practice has had to rely on temporary locum doctors while trying to engage a permanent GP for the Practice.

Any patient behaving in a manner perceived to be threatening or abusive towards staff will be banned from the Practice.

Yours sincerely

Chief Executive Officer